Monday, March 16, 2009

Well...It rained

It finally rained and my potatoes are growing like weeds but unfortunately so is the grass. Mowing is something I hate.
I recommend everyone (that is if anyone actually reads this blog) check out a website called Open Congress. It lists the bills currently being proposed by our supposedly respectable representatives.
Pictures to follow of garden.
And please Support The Troops. I don't mean buying a ribbon. Smoky Mountain Knifeworks has a program where you can purchase a soldier a knife. It could save his life.

Friday, March 6, 2009

Rain would be nice

Put the potatoes in last week and Black seeded Simpson lettuce is coming up. The tempatures have been in the low 80's this week so things are starting to green up. Other than this it's been business as usual. I hope everyone else is doing well.
Ron, where are you?