Friday, April 17, 2009

My Canning Was.....OK

It's been raining about once a week lately. I can't wait until the ponds fill back up so I can go fishing. I plan to eat a lot more fish this year and it being free is even better. I have been trying to eat mostly the frozen things from last years garden so I'll have more room for the fresh stuff this year.
I've also been eating the stuff I canned last year. The salsa does'nt taste very good, but the jalepenoes are great. They're not too hot and have a great sweet flavor.
Well that's it for now. I hope everyone's Easter or whatever holiday you celebrated was happy and it reminded them how important family is.
Oh yeah, just because your views on a god or gods does'nt fit into an organized religion DOES NOT mean you have to be an atheist. Religious belief used to be a very localized, tribe to tribe thing. Individual belief system is ok and don't let zealots ruin your faith. There are assholes everywhere.
Belief in God or Gods is logical. Atheism is not.

Wednesday, April 8, 2009


Things have been truckin' along. My potato plants are growing well despite a recent freeze that did some damage to the tops. This happens every year due to our screwed up weather but the tops bounce back and produce wonderful pots.
I have had to put out lettuce seed more than once. For some reason lettuce has not grown well this year for me. I was discussing this with my father and he said he had experienced the same results so I guess I'm not the only one.
I hope everyone else is doing well and staying healthy.