I finally switched over to a prepay cell phone. I couldn't justify paying so much for something I use so little. Also, the way home phones are made these days if you lose power your phone doesn't work. I can make 20 dollars of time last a coupl
On the garden front everything is plodding along slowly. The bell peppers are finally producing well and the squash, although slowing down, are still giving about 5 pounds a week. The tomato plants are full of big green fruit unwilling to turn red. I'm actually just impatient for the amazing flavor of a home grown tomato. The jalapenoes have yet to produce anything but the plants are beautiful.
There will be corn on the cob by the end of the month. I used cotton burr compost for fertilizer and worked wonderfully. I may even try one more planting this year since I don't see it getting cold until Christmas.
The best surprise this year is the return of the pecans. I had a bumper crop last year and I was under the impression that it would be another year before my tree produced any fruit. I have coddled my tree and as a result it's given a lot of good pies and fudge.
Well that's about it. I hope everyone else is doing well.
1 comment:
That corn looks great! Mine did nothing... except support some pole beans. Fed the tiny ears to the pigs. :)
I enjoy your garden photos! It is fascinating to see how people's gardens do in various areas of the country. Glad you got some relief from the heat.
Great, now I drooled all over my keyboard again, thinking about pecan pie. :)
Take care,
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