The strawberry plants and Black Pearl peppers have fallen to the pitiless sun. The squash plants however are thriving and as is the corn. I have had a hard time keeping the garden watered. It requires watering at least twice a week for three hours at a time. Everything is growing, but a very slow rate except for Buddy. He is getting his adult teeth and has suddenly become very stubborn. I'm going to lie under the fan. Good harvest to you all.
Things are growing well except for the Black Pearl peppers. I guess they couldn't stand the heat. There are two tomatoes on one of the plants, so I'm hoping this is a sign of more to come. Jalapenoes are blooming as are the christmas colored peppers and squash is still going strong. The corn is starting to tassel but the strawberry plants looked stepped on. Oh well. I added a new link on the bottom for a local radio host that also writes for several national magazines. His specialty is automobiles but his knowledge goes much further. I encourage everyone to read his BusinessWeek articles as well as listen to his show online on Saturday mornings KLIF. Hope everyone is having a good summer.
I haven't made an entry lately because things continue as normal. I'm still harvesting a couple of pounds of squash a day and it's still hot. I get up at dawn and do what I need to before the sun breaks over the trees. Buddy (my stray puppy ) is growing fast. He went from skin and bones to chubby pretty quick and is almost 100 % housebroken. Thanks to Ron and his advice about the newspapers under straw mulch, I think I've finally defeated the grass and weeds. There are three baseball sized cantaloupe on the vines and my lone watermelon plant is beginning to flower. My tomato plants are full of blooms but still refuse to set fruit. The bell peppers will be ready to start picking next week (finally). Now that I look back on this after I've written it I guess plenty of new things have happened.