Tuesday, July 8, 2008

Same old thing

I haven't made an entry lately because things continue as normal. I'm still harvesting a couple of pounds of squash a day and it's still hot. I get up at dawn and do what I need to before the sun breaks over the trees. Buddy (my stray puppy ) is growing fast. He went from skin and bones to chubby pretty quick and is almost 100 % housebroken.
Thanks to Ron and his advice about the newspapers under straw mulch, I think I've finally defeated the grass and weeds.
There are three baseball sized cantaloupe on the vines and my lone watermelon plant is beginning to flower. My tomato plants are full of blooms but still refuse to set fruit. The bell peppers will be ready to start picking next week (finally).
Now that I look back on this after I've written it I guess plenty of new things have happened.


Ron said...

Hey, Jerry. I feel the same way many times, that nothing is going on even though there really is.

It is really interesting to me how different people's gardens are in such different states of maturity between the veggies. In my garden, the tomatoes have lots of green fruits, but the peppers are not close to harvesting yet.

I'm glad the mulch is working for you... far better than weeding in the heat of the day, eh? I've probably spent a grand total of 45 minutes weeding so far this year. :)


Jerry S. said...

Oh yes,much easier.
Thank you for the advice.