Monday, June 30, 2008

Grandpa Witmer's Old Fashioned Peanut Butter Mixer Review and Stuff

After the tainted peanut butter last year (which I had a jar I had eaten half of ) I decided to start buying one of the natural (non-hydrogenated oil) brands. Anyone who has purchased this type knows that when opening it there is a layer of peanut oil on top that you have to stir into the peanut butter itself , not just to mix the oil but also the salt. Sometimes this can get very messy so I decided to purchase Grandpa Witmer's Old Fashioned Peanut Butter Mixer from Lehman's.
I am very pleased with it. All you have to do is screw the included lid on to the jar, insert the crank and turn for about a minute. The lid has a built in rubber grommet so when you remove the crank it comes out clean as a whistle. It is advised to return the original lid so you can clean and store the mixer pieces.
The mixer set's lid from Lehman's fits small jars but you can order larger diameter lids from the manufacturer, Witmer's.
I don't have much other else going on. The corn is about knee high, the first cantaloupe is growing, green peppers are finally producing and I'm getting about 5 pounds of squash a day. Hope everyone else is having a bountiful harvest and staying safe.
P. S. I tried to upload some pictures but once again something screwed up!

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