Today is the first day without rain in over a week. All I've been able to do is curse and watch programs on Netflix. I did enjoy Good Neighbors again. If your not aware of what Good Neighbors is it is an English tv show from the 70's. The plotline is about a couple who decides to chuck the corporate grind and become completely self-reliant. The twist is that the live in a high class suburb and their next door neighbors, although they are close friends, have a hard time dealing with the lifestyle. It's a comedy and surprisingly ahead of it's time as far as it's views and ideas of self-sufficiency. I highly recommend it. The actual title is The Good Life but for some reason it's been changed for the American market.
Amazingly, my lettuce is finally sprouting. As far as producing any amount to eat, we'll see. My parents lettuce are flourishing and I'm diong my share to enjoy it before it bolts. Since today is in the low 80's that maybe soon.
The freeze in March claimed six of my potato plants so I put four TAM jalapeno plants in their places today. I hope they do well because I look forward to pickling as much as I can this year. Last years peppers turned out great and their almost gone. Hopefully, I'll be going back to work soon and then I'll have the funds to expand the garden. We'll see.
Hope ya'll are doing well and being kind to others. That includes Nerthus (Mother Earth for you non heathens)