This is one of those days I wish I would have stayed in the city. I'm almost certain everything I managed to plant is ruined. I was unable to till anymore than a small area because of the incessant rain. Yesterday was the first 24 hour dry period in weeks and that ended late last night. Now I understand why the federal goverment was so willing to give away land for homesteading in the 19th century. One positive note however is the return of the lightning bugs. They were common when I was a child but until I moved here I thought they had followed the Carolina Parakeet into history.
I despise my neighbors children. They are the rudest and sorriest excuse for people. They scream constantly and throw things into my yard in addition to other annoying habits. I was raised to be respectful to others and mind my own business. I was no angel but I reserved my scorn for other children.
This may be it for me.
Yeah, I was raised to be respectful of others too... I can't stand to be around undisciplined kids. The worst is when you sorta get along with the parents, and have them over to play cards, and they sit there oblivious to their kids' destruction and rudeness.
We had rain for about two weeks straight, I know the feeling. Don't worry... summer will bring a drought. :)
Yesterday I had to stop them from shooting the songbirds with a BB gun. They had no concept that animals lives actually have value.
Shooting a Mockingbird in Texas is sacreligeous.
The rain finally stopped. Now I have to mow knee high grass. I fear however the veggies are done for.
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