Monday, May 18, 2009

Here Comes the Sun!

The rain has finally stopped and the sun has returned. The forecast says it's clear for the rest of the week. Praise Allah/Elohim/Thor/Jesus/Shiva/Amaterasu/or whoever you like. I did manage to mow the front yard but the back is still too wet. The whole thing was mowed right before the rains started and now the grass is almost knee high. I could never claim the soil was'nt fertile. All my neighbors use synthetics on their yards but I use very little organic amendments and my lawn is much greener and healthier. I would prefer to have something other than grass but I don't own the place. I am lucky enough to have a beautiful native pecan tree.

I decided to build beds from railroad ties. I know the crap on them is toxic but the ones I've gotten are old and don't have much creosote left on them and I can't afford some fancy pants lumber that has some stupid hippy certification. I started putting them around my current veggie bed. As you can see from the picture there's not much alive anymore. I plan to create at least three beds.

Yes,Ron I stole your idea mulching with leaves.


Ron said...

haha! Praise Nature (just got to throw that out there as an irrational atheist :))

Hippy certification is overrated. Old stuff is the greenest option anyway. I'm glad to see the leaf mulch... may it serve you well. :)


Jerry S. said...

Praising Nature is an accepted theology. A great one in my opinion. If we don't pay for the "hippy certification" Al Gore can't buy another 5,000 sq. ft. "green home".