Wednesday, June 25, 2008

Common Sense-Very Long!

I'll preface this piece by saying I'm not writing this to start a debate or discussion. I have to vent the frustrations I have building up somehow and this seems to be the easiest way to do so. I'm not trying to piss anyone off!

The earth does not need saving. This is a fact. It was here a VERY long time before us and will continue to be when man has ceased to exist. It is the height of arrogance to believe that we can destroy the planet. Man is no more significant than any other living thing. Countless creatures have become extinct and millions more have taken their place. Yes, we can and have wiped out whole species of animals,the Carolina Parakeet for example, and that happened not because they made them money but because people believed they are more important than anything else. I do believe in conservation probably more than any asshole that lives in the Hollywood hills in their 10,000 square foot ego pad. I actually go into the woods and enjoy the animals and plants and yes I even sometimes kill them for food. If it were possible to NOT eat I'd be fine with it but unfortunately it is not.

Man made global warming does NOT exist. Global warming DOES. The air has become exponentially cleaner in the last 100 years. This is also true of water. The people that have fought for this change haven't been believers in some doomsday prophecy scare tactic. Change has been caused by simple people who were tired of smelling a sewage laden river or grew tired of leaving sooty fingerprints in their bread. Yes,its hot. I live in Texas and 100 degrees is common in the summer. In fact it's 91 right now. That being said I could go 100 miles east to the Piney Woods area to a hunting camp and it'll be as much as 10 degrees cooler and that's because there's not concrete to radiate the sun's heat. Every inch of pavement laid makes the ambient air tempature higher, not my air conditioner. It is an astronomical fact that we get closer to the sun every day and the moon gets farther away. The moon will some day release it's hold on the earth and it will crash into the sun. That being said a volcano could erupt today and cause a new ice age by blocking out the sun.

I personally conserve and reuse things to save money and I once being a garbage man I've seen the ridiculous amount of waste in this country. I grow my own food (as much as I can considering I can't have chickens in town)because I like the taste of a REAL tomato grown in healthy soil. I'm organic(I prefer natural) because using poison and salt heavy explosives are expensive and contradictory to having fertile soil. I don't list all these things to get a pat on the back, only to show that you don't have to live your life like Chicken Little screaming about "green this" or the end of oil. There is still plenty of oil in this country. There are many who have become rich for NOT running their pumps.

I'm sure there's more I could rant about I've grown tired of complaining. I do feel a little better. I think I'll go use my flush toilet then turn down the a/c a notch and lie down and watch my cable television because I didn't work 13+ hours day in all weather 6 days a week and sacrifice a vertebral disc for nothing.


Ron said...
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Jerry S. said...

Oh man I'm not bagging on the way anyone thinks or lives. I'm just frustrated about how the media and others,etc. are trying to put the weight of the world on me or any individual for that matter. I just don't know how some people live their lives worrying if every action they take will be mankind's undoing.I'm far from knowing it all either. Thanks for the comments and input.